What it does

How to Install



How to Purchase





What it does

Twist is a plug-in filter for Photoshop and other paint programs. It distorts images by smearing them around in a smooth or turbulent way.


How to install

To use this software, you need a paint program which accepts standard Photoshop 3.0 plugins.

Just put the plug-in filter into the folder where your paint program expects to find it. If you have Photoshop, the folder is Photoshop:Plugins:Filters or Photoshop:Plug-ins. You must restart Photoshop before it will notice the new plug-in. It will appear in the menus as Filters->Flaming Pear->Twist.

Most other paint programs follow a similar scheme.

If you have Paint Shop Pro: you have to create a new folder, put the plug-in filter into it, and then tell PSP to look there. In PSP's menus, choose File-> Preferences->General Program Preferences... and click the Plug-in Filters tab. Use a "Browse"button to choose the folder. The plugin will appear in the menus as Image->Plug-in Filters->Flaming Pear->Twist.



Twist offers controls for warping, streaks, and adding extra distortion.


Warping is the strength of the distortion, ranging from 0 (no distortion) to 100 (maximum).

Warp size is the scale of the distortion features. Low values give many small wiggles, and high values give fewer, larger wiggles.

Streaks adds fine lines in the image which run in the direction of the smearing.

Streak Size lets you choose narrow or wide lines.

Twist changes the angle of the smearing.

Chop adds extra fractal variation to the smearing pattern.

Glue defines how the image produced by Twist will combine with the original image. Normal mode replaces the original image entirely; the other modes produce a variety of colorful effects. Some of the modes are the same as those offered by Photoshop's layers.

Load (the red button) lets you open a settings file.

Save (the blue button) lets you save your settings in a file.

Randomize (the button with dice) chooses random values for all the controls. This is ideal for searching for new effects.

Variation (the button with a green wavy line) changes the randomness in the image. Clicking it will change the specific way the image is smeared, but the overall look will be the same.



Try loading the settings files that come with Twist to see what it can do, or click the dice until you see something you like.

Here are some example effects that you can do. Open a favorite picture for these examples -- you won't see anything if you start with a blank canvas. Select part of the picture, and invoke Twist.



1. Basic smearing.

Use these settings:

Warping 20
Warp size 50
Streaks 20
Streak size 20
Chop 65

This is Twist's most typical effect. To get smoother curves, reduce Chop. Larger values give a more convoluted effect.



2. Blobs.

Use the same settings as for the first example, but increase Warping, decrease Warp size, and set Streaks to zero.

When Warp size is small, the individual distortion features in the picture become small too.



3. Chemicals.

To get this effect, you need three main ingredients:

-Very small Warp Size

-Very large Chop

-The Glue mode is "difference." The different glue modes can give you new colors not present in the original image.



4. Runny paint.

Warping 12
Warp size 50
Streaks 50
Streak size 70
Chop 65

When Streak size is large compared to Warping, the streaks become blobs of light and dark.

Very small Streak size values produce a fine, feathery look.


Click the dice button to see more effects.


How to Purchase

You can place an order online here. A secure server for transactions is available.

If you prefer, you can place an order offline by using the "Register" program that comes with the software.

Purchasing the software removes the time limit. You will get an unlocking code by email in a message titled "Thanks for your payment."



Answers to common technical questions appear on the support page, and free upgrades appear periodically on the download page.

Trouble with your order? Orders are handled by Kagi, which can be reached at admin@kagi.com .

For bug reports and technical questions about the software, please write to lloyd@flamingpear.com .